Year 7 step-up Hightlights


Today I will be talking to you about the year 7’s time doing the year 7 step-up program.

The day most year 8’s and teachers left for camp, which was on Wednesday 8th-10 we had our year 7 step-up program. The step-up program is a chance for us year 7’s to step-up and show the younger kids the right way. We had 3 days to step-up. We did this at school and why we have this step-up program is because normally it’s the year 8’s to lead the school mostly but those 3 days were for the year 7’s to lead. When the year 8’s left we needed sub prefects for our school assembly and the people who chose to be one were Zohaidah,Annie Marie,Eve,John,Ponyamon,Jaxon P,Jaxon F. I wanted to apply for the prefect but I sadly couldn’t because the day they were needed I had to go to Wellington early in the morning for my brother’s graduation but I was happy my BFF got chosen to be one (Zohaidah).

Highlights 1!

One of my highlights are that we did fun rotations the first rotation was with Mrs Langitupu, one I did was tik tok dances, We had to choose a song or chose one of the songs that were already chosen by Miss Tuia, we also had to be in a group of 3-4 and I had a group of 3, the people who were in my group is Zohaidah, Chrislyn and me, the song we choose was 4 walls and used the tik tok dance on tik tok but we changed most of the moves. We also got to perform it in front of our group and I had a great performance because it was fun but I was a little nervous.

Highlight 2!

The second rotation was with Miss Tipene, we did fun games in the main space of team 5 (The Street). Firstly we got into 3 groups of 8-9 and after we got into our groups Miss Tipene started to talk about the games and the rules. The first game we did was we had to crawl to the table and build the cups in the colour order which made it harder and I failed. My knees were stinging because of that plus my knees were peeling which made it kinda hard for me to stand straight for some reason. We had a race doing that to see who can get everyone to do it and sit down first. Our second game was the same thing as the first game but it was with legos and we got given cards and we had to copy but we didn’t have to copy the colour this time, which I was happy about. The 3rd game we played was a hula hoop challenge. We had to hold hands together and the hula hoop had to go through all of us, then we had to sit down in a straight line and whoever does that the fastest wins. That’s all the games we played.

Highlight 3!

The 3rd rotation was with Whea Saf but I wasn’t here on that day so I’ll just tell how the graduation went for my brother (Maung). When I first found out I couldn’t come to school I was sad because I love school but I was alright with it because I couldn’t do anything to change my mum/dad mind. On the day of my brother’s graduation I was really happy but also the graduation was long. Definitely wasn’t longer than my other brother’s graduation (Kyaw), Anyway after the graduation we took lots of photos, which I don’t like taking lots of photos but I didn’t mind anyway. We had to make it back before 1:00 because that is when we were doing the walk with the other graduates and when my brother came he stopped to see us and we gave him flowers, then we walked with him. By the way there was drumming playing in the background. We walked all the way to the people who were in charge of the graduation and they gave a speech. We got to walk with him too.


I found the year 7 step-up program really fun and I think that was a good way to teach us how to step-up when the year 8’s are gone. I found the grad fun for the walk but not the ceremony because it was kinda boring.

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