Month: June 2024

Figurative Language

Hello Everyone! Last week we have been doing a lot of poetry and one of them is figurative language. For this we have been doing alliteration and what that means is in a sentence you use the same letter. I also like doing this cause it was kinda enjoyable to do. Hope you learn lots from this byeee!

Matariki Pixel Art



Hello Everyone! Today for the Cyber smart challenge, we had to make Matariki pixel art. I found it kinda boring because you just had to press the same keys but it was worth it and the top one was the one I was trying to make, the second one is the one I made. Next to my art pixel there is a chart of how many of the colours I used.  I know it doesn’t look as close to it but it was kinda hard to match it well and so I tried my best to make it as close as possible, but I did only change one bit. I hope you like my art byee!

Podcast: Space Race

Hello Everyone! This week the Panthers and Warriors has been watching 2 videos to learn about the Space race and others things that are related to that topic. To make this podcast we first had to get into groups of 2-3, then we had to the 2 videos to learn about it, next we had to write about it for our podcast, Lastly we got to practise 2-3 times and then the fun part is that we got to film. I hope you enjoy our podcast byeee!

Limo Trip!

Hello Everyone! Today I will be talking to you about my trip in the LIMO!


On Tuesday 28th May I got to go on the Limo ride!, Which I was very excited for. The other 6 people who were going on this trip with me was Zohaidah (BFF), Nadi (Sister), YiYi, Shwe Shwe, Aie Sorn, Khaing May and the adults who came with us was Miss Ta, Mr J, and the driver. We went on this trip because we worked hard doing sporty bots even when kids were rude. We went to 8 different places and each and every one of those places was so cool to see even places I’ve never been to. We took photos of every place we went to like I’m talking lots.

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Our first stop was this beautiful garden called Michael Savage Memorial at Bastion point. There was a lake there and pretty bright flowers with this building where you can’t go inside. It even has a picture of him on the building to remember him. Our second stop was at Parnell Drive white pedestrian bridge, we went on this bridge where only pedestrians (people) can go on that bridge and we got to walk on that bridge, on our way to that bridge we get scared by these dogs but when we walked back where the dogs were last time they weren’t there, we were relieved. Then we went back into the car. Our third stop was Downtown, Wynyard Quarter and Harbour Bridge. We went under that bridge but definitely not under water. When we were under the bridge we could hear the cars driving along and on a wall there was something written there but I forgot what it was then we went back in the car. Our fourth stop was at Winter Gardens Auckland Domain. That garden was beautiful to look at. There was a green lake and really nice bright flowers and chillies there, which I love spicy. There was this fountain where you could put coins in if you’d like and to make sure nobody was there to take the coins, which was good they put something so our hands can’t fit. We took many photos there and you could come in the winter and plant whatever you want.

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Our fifth stop was at the Eden Park Stadium. I was hoping we could go inside but obviously we couldn’t go in the stadium so we just looked on the outside. While we were just standing there taking pictures we saw a car there with two people in the passenger seats, wondering how they got there. Our sixth stop was at Cornwall Park. We stopped there to have a picnic. The food/drink we got was Doritos, L&P, water, hot dogs, Sandwiches and donuts. Since we didn’t finish all the food we got Mr J had an idea of giving the rest that are not eaten to the next 7 people who will be going on this trip on tomorrow. From the goody bags we got, chips, juice box, marshmallows, lollipops and a mini chocolate bar. Mr J got a little carrot cake for me with candles on top because it was my birthday on that day and everyone sang happy birthday to me. It was windy on that day so the wind blew the candles out for me. I’m not trying to be mean but I didn’t like the carrot cake so I gave it to my friend (YiYi).

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Our seventh stop was at Howick Historical Village. We couldn’t go inside the museum but we could see from the outside and what we saw was a place that looked abandoned. There is nothing much to say about this place. Our last stop we went to this really cool place and the name of this cool place was called Musick Memorial. The reason why there is a k at the end of music is because it’s the first letter of the person’s name and in the olden days they had a way to communicate with each other by using strings and a can. Which I thought was cool considering they didn’t have phones yet.


I’m pretty sure everyone had a great time and I had a great time too. It was pretty cool hearing all the facts Mr J said about all the places we went to. When the limo driver opened the door for us I was so surprised. A big thanks to the Ted Manson people who sponsored the limo and taking us, Thanks to Miss Va’afusuaga who chose us to be in the limo, Thanks to the limo driver who drove us around Auckland. I’m very thankful for this trip and I’m lucky to have such amazing people come on this trip with me.

I hope you enjoy reading my recount about the limo ride. Byee!